
Monday, October 29, 2012


I have been and still do enjoy raising chickens and Ducks since 2011 and over 30 years ago and at this time my specialty is Peking Ducks.  I hope to import more peking ducklings from another State and these are imported from France.  Geese are on my list of waterfowl too for next season.

I just passed my Abstract of Title course exams and I will use this training to provide Abstracts all the ways back to the Original Land Patent to people who cannot afford to pay someone. The Land Patent will help to promote the protection of our lands.  I accept Cash, Coins in my accepted denominations and Pre-1935 Silver dollar donations at this time. I also have available blown duck eggs in season.

I enjoy living in the country and raising animals for food and I will further my interests in Nigerian Dairy goats and other animals for fiber uses.  Donations will help me to expand and implement my helps goals to the poor and homeless.

My mission goals are to use my energy and labor to help approved members/living beings awaken to the truth through self and their Private Trust(s) and their DEBTOR PUBLIC ACCOUNT TRUST awareness, health awareness and direction to rise above NEGATIVE ENERGIES, knowing how to apply their own Abstract of Title Searches, by searching all the way back to the original Land patent and learning how to bring forward the land patent in the current owners name, where and how to find help for Mortage Foreclosures, including but not limited too all phases of agriculture and learning to live off on our land using off the grid houses and out buildings. Your freely given unconditional donations will help support the upgrade of this Blog and and all of my other blogs and webites that provide information links to my members and the many helps ministries I have planned for my private members as I approve their requests for help.  My helps ministry is solely based on my 57 years of life, soon to be 58 years, on this earth and I am always learning new information that our creator leads me too each and every day.  Please use this IRS publicaton link about Gifting so you can educate yourself on gifting to others each year, which is TAX FREE. I am not an expert on this subject though.  Gifting/Donations made to this private Executive Trustee any and all of her private land and other Private trust entities she creates, but not limited to the latter, are not refundable and are not TAX DEDUCTIBLE.  Affiliate commissions that I may recieve will futher promote my "Helps" goals for the poor and the homeless donating my energy and labor to further my "helps" goals to approved private members. Thank you for visiting my blogs and websites and also I thank you in advance for consdering a gift/dontion for my goals to help others.  In order for your computer system to accept the Affiliate cookies anywhere up to 6 months or based on the terms of each affiliate site, your cookie's settings must not be set at high, when using the Affiliate links, so I may recieve any future minimal commissions that an affiliate my provide when you use the links on this blog or my websites. 

                                                                                    Thank you for your visit;

                                                                            Brenda-Theresa: Tedders, Executive Trustee
                                                                            Natural woman and Secured Party Claimant
                                                                           c/o On the Sovereign Land, Michigan
                                                                            Non-Domestic without the UNITED STATES, INC
                                                                            Pre-paid - Preferred Stock
                                                                            Priority - Exempt from Levy/Lien

According to the State of Michigan and the Regional states, I am the Claimant over the Private Trust and the PUBLIC DEBTOR ACCOUNT TRUST and this needs to be stated to all interested parties and as such, any interested party, including but not limited to any affiliate sites, needs to flag their accounts/data base or hard copy files showing that I am the Secured Party Claimant and as such am Levi/Lien Exempt.  Third Party Intervieners do not have my consent or permission to make any claims against myself, the flesh and blood flowing woman any name variations and derivatives, any and all properties, including but limited too, any Private Trusts and any and all name variations and derivatives and/or the PUBLIC DEBTOR ACCOUNT TRUST and any and all name variations and derivatives.  Thank you for your visit to my website.

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